Doors and windows need to master their own investment channels clear positioning and consumer awareness

~In response to the domestic industry, "Revolution", many doors and windows actively explore new channels mode, making the channel showing a wide range of door and window industry. Some enterprises with main dealer, supplemented by other sources, some enterprises to undertake foreign trade alone, while also expanding the domestic market. Plural gate prices is a necessary means bigger market pie, contrarian to find a breakthrough on the road.


~Doors and windows diversified investment channels significantly

~Currently, a wide range of investment channels, doors and windows Clearly, the traditional channels show, investment still occupy half of the General Assembly and other new media investment organization has become investment "main force." But not a single channel can dominate the world, in addition to explore new channels, the doors and windows in your quest for their own channels, or enterprises have the ability to develop sales channels, should pay attention to, such as the cross-industry alliance channels, the Channel, develop professional customers and other sources. New demands brought about by the development of channels for product development is also a very good role in guiding,


~Develop appropriate local development needs investment program

~For high-end brand windows and doors, in cities distribution channels has been very saturated, so the doors and windows in the region should enhance the brand influence mainly from the marketing aspect. High-end doors and windows on the current situation in terms of business investment, a broader tier cities, is its first to seize the area, but the high-end brand, product prices and conditions and investment are high, how companies need to develop appropriate local development investment plan It is essential.

~Some developing low-end brand windows and doors, enterprises should start their own characteristics in the early brand building should be as soon as possible to seize the second and third tier cities, because the low-end brands from price to join the conditions are more suitable for the market demand in the region, and the corporateIt should continue effective development investment projects, the investment channel sink to the towns, but also in advance to seize the market trends in this category.

~But no matter what level of development and size of doors and windows, must have a clear positioning and consumer awareness in order to get hold of its own investment channels. Dealers need is to maximize incentives and support efforts, so innovation and investment policy is always the most important, and only fully understand the needs of dealers, in order to develop a demand for auto investment policy.

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